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Term 2 Dance Newsletter 2022

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Term 2, 2022! We hope you all had a lovely Easter break and

that you are ready to work hard this term, as all classes begin learning their showcase

routines. This year's showcase theme is 'Seasons', and will take the audience on a journey

through Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. We cannot wait to see what our incredible

teachers can come up with this year! In this newsletter please see the concert dates, and

other important information you need to know for Term 2 Dance at LFK.


Internal Choreography Competition

LFK will be hosting our Annual Choreography compeition on

Sunday 31st July at the Altona Civic Theatre. This compeition is

open to ages 7+, and students have the chance to perform their

own solo, duo, trio or troupe for the chance to win medals and



If you havent purchased the appropriote uniform for your child

please aim to do so. Please make sure the correct uniform

including shoes, are worn to every class. Students must bring their

own water bottle, and have their hair is tied up. For more

information on our uniform, please refer to our website.


Term 2 fees are now due. Invoices will be emailed this week, so

please call on 9397 7766 to settle your account. Fees can be paid

over the phone, by credit card, or by direct debit if you do not have

a chance to come in to reception between 9-7 Monday - Friday or

9-1pm on Saturday.

Account Name: LFK Dance and Gym

BSB: 633 000

Account Number: 155725526

Costume Deposits

In Week 5 we will be distributing costume deposit envelopes.

These are designed to help you chip away at the final costume

price for the showcase. Costume balances will be due in early

Term 4. Please note that we require cash onlv and $50 is required

for each dance class your child participates in.

Concert Information

Friday 2nd December:

Full Dress Rehearsal

(Grade Prep - Senior)

Saturday 3rd December:

Junior Showcase- 2pm

Senior Showcase - 6pm

Sunday 4th December:

Junior Showcase- 2pm

Senior Showcase - 6pm

Location: St Bernards Theatre

41 Rosehill Rd. Essendon West

Other Dates

Saturday 21st May 7pm - Vixens

LFK Vixens Dancers performing at

John Cain Arena

Sunday 29th May 2pm - Vixens

LFK Vixens Dancers performing at

John Cain Arena

Monday 13th June - Labour Day

We are OPEN

Sunday 19th June

LFK Internal Gymnastics Competition

Sunday 31st July

LFK Dance Internal Choreography



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